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Bundle and save! Save 10% off grinder when purchased with espresso machine. Automatically applied at checkout.

Espresso Machine Servicing & Repairs in Calgary

Your espresso machine works hard. Like any machine, a regular maintenance strategy is the best way to ensure reliability, consistency and serviceability. Check out our Espresso Machine Rehabilitation Packages below.


Basic Maintenance - (recommended 9-12 month service interval)

  • Professional descaling
  • Group head cleaning and backflush
  • Steam wand cleaning
  • Head gasket replacement
  • Shower screen replacement
  • External component cleaning
  • Temperature and pressure testing
  • Critical component inspection
  • 3 Way solenoid valve testing (if applicable)
  • Replace group valve gaskets and cam bushings (E61 only)
  • Lubricate cam and brew head (E61 only)

Single Boiler/Thermoblock - $80
Heat Exchanger/Dual Boiler - $120

Advanced Maintenance - (recommended 2-3 year service interval)

  • Everything included in the Basic Maintenance package
  • Disassembly and deep clean/descale of complete group head
  • Disassembly and deep clean/descale of 3 way valve system (if applicable)
  • Disassembly and deep clean of steam wand
  • Water tap and steam wand gasket replacement
  • Group valves, o-rings, bushings, filter and springs replacement (E61 only)
  • Inspect and clean level probes
  • Inspect and clean temperature probes
  • Anti-vacuum valve replacement (if applicable)
  • Brew and steam pressure testing and adjustment
  • Full system inspection

Single Boiler/Thermoblock - $140
Heat Exchanger/Dual Boiler/Dual Thermoblock - $210

Diagnostics / Troubleshooting

Labour Rate - $90 /hr
Minimum Charge - $45
Assessment - $45

We do more than just maintenance! For any repairs that are above and beyond the scope of our Rehabilitation Packages, we offer full system service and repair at the shop labour rate. Labour rates are billed in 15 minute increments to ensure you are only paying for the time used to service the machine. Repairs are subject to a minimum charge of $45 (30 mins).
An assessment fee of $45 is collected at the time of drop-off prior to the repair. Assessment fees are credited against the final invoice total when the machine is collected. If the repair is declined, the assessment fee can be used as credit towards a new machine; otherwise, it is forfeited.
Coffee downtime is the worst kind of down time. Pre-Authorize your repair up to a comfortable number to ensure a seamless repair that skips all of the extra communication full of technical jargon and parts required. This is the “I don’t know what you’re talking about, just fix it” solution.

As much as we would love to service ANY espresso machine, there are some we just can't. If we sell it, we can service it, anything else give us a call or email us to see if we can take care of your machine. 

Give us a call at (587) 834-8471 or send us an email at for more information.