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BUNDLE & SAVE! Save 10% off of any grinder when buying an espresso machine. Automatically applied at checkout.

Kalita Coffee Brewing Equipment & Accessories

At Coffee Addicts, we're delighted to showcase Kalita, a revered name in the coffee brewing industry known for its exceptional quality and dedication to crafting the perfect cup of coffee. Originating from Japan, Kalita has won the hearts of coffee connoisseurs worldwide with its iconic pour-over equipment, embodying the harmony and precision of traditional Japanese craftsmanship.

Kalita's range is celebrated for its thoughtfully designed Wave series, including the Wave Dripper, which boasts a unique flat-bottomed design that promotes even coffee extraction for a richer, more balanced flavor. This hallmark product, along with Kalita’s carefully crafted filters and kettles, represents the pinnacle of pour-over coffee brewing, making it a favorite among both home brewers and professional baristas.

The beauty of Kalita lies not just in its aesthetic appeal but in its ability to democratize the art of coffee making. Its products are designed to be approachable for beginners while offering the depth of control and flexibility demanded by experts. Whether you're new to the world of specialty coffee or a seasoned aficionado, Kalita equips you with everything you need to explore the vast landscape of coffee flavors and textures.

Kalita’s commitment to quality and innovation is evident in every product, from their elegant glass servers to their durable stainless steel pots, all designed to enhance your coffee brewing experience. With Kalita, you're not just brewing coffee; you're embarking on a journey to discover the true essence of each bean, cup after cup.

Dive into the world of Kalita with Coffee Addicts and experience the joy of coffee brewing that blends tradition with innovation. Let Kalita transform your coffee ritual into an art form, where every pour is a step towards achieving the perfect balance of strength, flavor, and aroma.

  • Kalita Wave 155 Filters (qty 100) - Coffee Addicts Canada
    Kalita Wave 155 Filters (qty 100) - Coffee Addicts Canada
    Sold out

    Kalita Wave 155 Filters (qty 100)


    A 100 pack of bleached (white) paper filters for the 155 Wave Dripper Coffee Brewer from Kalita. Made in Japan.
